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Optigo Integration Module

Integrate to Visual BACnet, Wireshark, and Optigo Switches

Purchase Info

Free Module - download here.

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The following must be installed or updated (in the listed order, with the latest applicable version and build) prior to installing this module:

PDS Plug-in Manager :


Please Note: Due to user access permissions configuration in Windows Server 2008, this module is not currently able to take captures on that version of Windows.  It is suggested that a newer version of Windows is used if network capture functionality is required.

The Optigo Integration Module allows users to take Wireshark captures directly from enteliWEB for a specific site, and will automatically upload them to Visual BACnet for site monitoring.  It also includes functionality to allow you to view Visual BACnet and configure Optigo hardware switches from within enteliWEB.  Additionaly, users may schedule recurring captures for site monitoring.

In order for Visual BACnet uploads to function, a valid Visual BACnet account is required.

Note: The Optigo Integration Module is an integration product, and as such, any third-party software or licenses are not included unless specifically noted.



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